Learnfirm.com Capabilities

  • Ability to create quality online training from any reference, text or subject matter expert’s live presentation.
  • Ability to create blended learning experiences to include both live and online training.
  • Server reliability with a downtime of .001 % annually.
  • A computer server size that can manage thousands of students at one time.
  • Instructors and technicians available 24/7 to answer questions or solve problems.
  • Twenty-four hour turnaround on updates to customized training materials.
  • Downloadable workbooks that recap all materials and provide students with a permanent reference.
  • Testing options with a pass or no pass criteria.
  • Downloadable online Certificates of Completion upon passing/taking the final exam.
  • Flexibility in adding student groups, students and courses.
  • Flash movies that keep students interested and involved.
  • Disability compliant courses.
  • Ability to contact registered students or groups of students instantaneously.
  • Ability to create “mini-universities” for corporate clients incorporating their own customized materials and logo.
  • A learning management system (LMS) that allows one training administrator the ability to monitor thousands of students.
  • Ability to provide monthly, quarterly, or semi-annual reports on student progress.
  • Affordable group pricing.